Welcome to Qsauri
Qsauri is a free thesaurus for pharmaceutical terminology and definitions.
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A term captures information like the definition of the term, reference source used and
different sorts of relationships. Qsauri covers the following relationships:
- Equivalence relationships – Two pairs appear in Qsauri. The first pair indicated as ‘Abbreviation’ and ‘Abbreviation for’ to link to its abbreviation and to the full term. The second pair can be considered a synonym/alias and is indicated as ‘Use’ and ‘Used for’ to define the preferred term and its associated non preffered term.
- Hierarchical relationships - Indicated as ‘Broader term’ to link to a more general concept of the term and ‘Narrower term’ to link to a more specific term.
- Associative relationships – Indicated as ‘Related term’ to link to a, non-hierarchical, associated term.
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