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injectable medicines
Guideline or reference source
WHO Glossary
Sterile medicines intended for administration by bolus injection, perfusion or infusion by any of the following routes: intravenous, intramuscular, intra-thecal, intra-arterial, subcutaneous, intra-dermal, intra-ventricular, epidural, intra-vesicular, intra-vitreal, intra-pleural and intraocular.   An injectable medicine is Ready-to-administer when it requires no further dilution or reconstitution and is presented in the final container or device, ready for administration or connection to a needle or administration set. For example, an infusion in a bag with no additive required.   An injectable medicine is Ready-to-use when it requires no further dilution or reconstitution before transfer to an administration device. For example, a liquid with an ampoule, of the required concentration, that only needs to be drawn up into a syringe.
Related Term
route of administration

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