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Qdossier Qsauri

observer reported outcome
Guideline or reference source
FDAPNG Patient network glossary terms
An ObsRO is a measurement based on an observation by someone other than the patient or a health professional. This may be a parent, spouse, or other non-clinical caregiver who is in a position to regularly observe and report on a specific aspect of the patient’s health. An ObsRO measure does not include medical judgment or interpretation. Generally, ObsROs are reported by a parent, caregiver, or someone who observes the patient in daily life. For patients who cannot respond for themselves (e.g., infants or cognitively impaired), we encourage observer reports that include only those events or behaviors that can be observed. As an example, observers cannot validly report an infant’s pain intensity (a symptom) but can report infant behavior thought to be caused by pain (e.g., crying). For example, in the assessment of a child’s functioning in the classroom, the teacher is the most appropriate observer. Examples of ObsROs include a parent report of a child’s vomiting episodes or a report of wincing thought to be the result of pain in patients who are unable to report for themselves.
Abbreviation for
Related Term
observer assessment
patient reported outcome
proxy reported outcome

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