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regulatory authority
Guideline or reference source
ICHE6(r1) Guideline for good clinical practice
Bodies having the power to regulate. In the ICH GCP guideline the expression Regulatory Authorities includes the authorities that review submitted clinical data and those that conduct inspections. These bodies are sometimes referred to as competent authorities.
Used For
health authority
medicines regulatory authority
regulatory agency
Narrower Term
agency for medicinal products and medical devices of croatia
agency for medicinal products and medical devices of the republic of slovenia
austrian agency for health and food safety
bulgarian drug agency
danish medicines authority
European Medicines Agency
federal agency for medicines and health products
federal institute for drugs and medical devices
finnish medicines agency
food and drug administration
health canada
health products regulatory authority
icelandic medicines agency
italian medicines agency
medical products agency
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
medicines evaluation board
national agency for the safety of medicine and health products
national authority of medicines and health products
national competent authority
national institue of pharmacy and nutrition
national medicines agency
national organization for medicines
norwegian medicines agency
pharmaceuticals and medical devices agency
spanish agency for medicines and health products
state agency of medicines
state institue for drug control
state medicines control agency

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