- racemate
- radiopharmaceutical
- radiopharmaceutical kit
- random allocation
- randomization
- range
- rapidly disolving products
- rapporteur
- rare disease
- ration kits
- rational use of medicines
- Ravimiamet
- raw data
- raw material
- re-examination
- re-labelling
- re-packaging
- re-test date
- re-test period
- reactive oxygen species
- reagent
- real time release testing
- reciprocity
- recognized building
- recombination
- recommended International Non-proprietary Name
- reconciliation
- record
- recovery
- recruitment period
- recruitment status
- recruitment target
- rectal
- reference information model
- reference item
- reference listed drug
- reference material
- reference medicinal product (for bioequivalence)
- reference medicinal product (for data protection period)
- reference member state
- reference safety information
- reference standard
- reference standard, primary
- reference standard, secondary
- reference strength
- reference substance
- referentials management service
- referral
- referral hospital
- reflection paper
- reformatting
- refuse to file letter
- refuse to receive
- regional harmonisation initiatives
- registration number
- registration procedure
- registry
- regressive retail mark-up
- regulated document
- regulated user
- regulations
- regulatory activity
- regulatory activity subject to a worksharing agreement
- regulatory affairs
- regulatory agency
- regulatory authority
- regulatory authorization procedure
- regulatory exception
- regulatory information online
- regulatory inspection
- regulatory transaction
- reimbursement
- reimbursement category
- reimbursement group
- reimbursement list
- related sequence
- related sequence number
- related term
- relational database
- relative effectiveness
- relative efficacy
- relative total growth
- release characteristics
- relevant genotypic and phenotypic markers
- relevant virus
- remanufacturer
- renewal
- renewal date
- repeatability
- reporting treshold, degradation product
- reporting treshold, impurity
- representative sample
- reprocessing
- reproducibility
- request for supplementary information
- requirement
- requirements analysis
- research
- resin gum
- response to LoOI
- response to LoQ
- responsible person
- restricted document
- restricted part
- resultant material
- retail distributor
- retail mark-up
- retained sample
- retention period
- retest date
- retest interval
- retrospective
- retrospective concurrent drug use evaluation
- retrospective validation
- return
- revalidation
- reversible toxicity
- reviewable unit
- revision number
- rework
- reworking
- rINN
- rinse
- rinsing
- risk
- risk acceptance
- risk analyses
- risk assessment
- risk benefit balance
- risk communication
- risk control
- risk evaluation
- risk identification
- risk management
- risk management plan
- risk management system
- risk minimisation activity
- risk minimisation measure
- risk reduction
- risk review
- RoA
- robustness
- role
- route
- route of administration
- RP
- run
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