- cachet
- calibration
- calibration curve
- calibration interval
- calibration laboratories
- calibration method
- calibration range
- calibration records
- calibration standard
- campaign production
- can
- candidate method
- candidate term
- canister
- cap coated pellets
- capability of a process
- capsule
- cardinality
- carrier
- carry-over effect
- carton
- cartridge
- case
- case history
- case record form
- case report form
- case report tabulation
- catalyst
- category
- causal relationship
- cell
- cell-based products working party
- cell bank
- cell culture
- cell line
- cell or tissue based drug
- cell proliferation
- cell substrate
- cello pack
- cement
- center for biologics evaluation and research
- center for devices and radiologic health
- center for drug evaluation and research
- central processing unit
- centralised procedure
- centrally authorised product
- centromere
- cerate
- certifate of conformity
- certificate authentication
- certificate authority
- certificate confidentiality
- certificate integrity
- certificate of analyses
- certificate of compliance
- certificate of manufacture
- certificate of pharmaceutical product
- certificate of suitablility of a monograph of the european pharmacopoeia
- certification
- certification of the finished product batch
- certified copy
- certified reference material
- certifying body
- cGMP
- change control
- change management
- changeover procedure
- characteristic
- checksum
- chemical
- chemical abstracts service
- chemical bond
- chemical development studies
- chemical drug
- chemical name
- chemical reaction
- chemical substance
- chemical transformation step
- chemistry, manufacturing and controls
- chewable bar
- chewable tablet
- chewing
- chewing-gum
- chi-square distribution
- chiral
- chiral substance
- chirality
- chromophore
- chronic condition
- chronic disease
- cigarette
- civil service
- civil society
- civil society organizations
- claim
- ClaML
- class waiver
- classification markup language
- clastogen
- clean area
- clean contained area
- clean database
- clean file
- clean room
- clean zone
- cleaning agent
- cleaning procedures validation
- cleaning validation
- client server
- climatic zones
- clinical
- clinical benefit
- clinical data
- clinical development plan
- clinical development programme
- clinical efficacy
- clinical encounter
- clinical endpoint
- clinical investigation
- clinical investigator
- clinical outcome assessment
- clinical outcome assessment qualification
- clinical pharmacist
- clinical pharmacologist
- clinical quality measure
- clinical research associate
- clinical research coordinator
- clinical response
- clinical site identifier
- clinical study
- clinical study materials
- clinical study report
- clinical study title
- clinical study type
- clinical trial
- clinical trial anchor
- clinical trial application
- clinical trial authorization
- clinical trial data
- clinical trial design
- clinical trial information
- clinical trial objective
- clinical trial protocol number
- clinical trial registration number
- clinical trial report
- clinical trial status
- clinical trials.gov identifier
- clinician reported outcome
- ClinRO
- clock stop
- cloning efficiency
- closed isolator systems
- closed signal
- closed studies
- closure
- CMDh
- CMDv
- co-chromatography
- co-insurance
- co-morbid condition
- co-morbidity
- co-payment
- co-rapporteur
- coated capsule
- coated gelatin capsule
- coated pellets capsule
- coated tablet
- CoC
- code of conduct
- code of federal regulations
- code system
- code value
- coding scheme
- coding standard
- coding symbols for a thesaurus of adverse reaction terms
- coherent derived unit
- cohort
- cohort study
- cold chain
- collaborator
- collection system
- collodion
- colony forming unit
- combination pack
- combination product
- combined pharmaceutical dose form
- combined term
- comité européen de normalisation
- comma separated value
- commercial manufacturing process
- commercial off-the-shelf
- commercially confidential information
- commet assay
- commingling
- commission deciscion
- commissioning
- commitment batches
- committee for advanced therapies
- committee for herbal medicinal products
- committee for medicinal products for human use
- committee for medicinal products for veterinary use
- committee for orphan medicinal products
- committee for proprietary medicinal products
- common european submission platform
- common name
- common technical document
- common terminology services
- community
- community drug scheme
- community herbal monograph
- company code
- company core data sheet
- company core safety information
- comparability bridging study
- comparability exercise
- comparability protocol
- comparable
- comparator product
- comparison
- compassionate use
- compatability
- competence
- competency test
- competent authority
- compiler
- complaint
- complementary and alternative medicine
- complete clinical data package
- complete response letter
- complete review
- completed clinical trial
- completed, closed studies
- compliance, clinical trial
- compliance, glp
- component
- composite document
- composition stoichiometry
- compound identifier
- compound term
- compounding
- compounds insensitive to ethnic factors
- compounds sensitive to ethnic factors
- compressed gas
- compulsory license
- computer system
- computerized system
- concentrate
- concentrate for injectable solution
- concentration
- concept
- concept map
- concept of interest
- concept paper
- concept system
- concerned member state
- concertation procedure
- concurrent production
- concurrent release
- concurrent validation
- conditional approval
- conditional marketing authorisation
- cone
- confidence interval
- confidential information
- confidential unit exclusion
- confidentiality
- confidentiality regarding participants
- configuration
- configuration management
- confirmatory studies
- confirmatory trial
- confirmed clinical vaccine failure
- confirmed immunological vaccine failure
- conflict of interest
- conformity assessment
- conjugated product
- consent form
- consignment
- consistency
- constituent
- constitutive ingredient
- constraint
- consumer
- consumer medication information
- consumer safety officer
- consumption of opioids
- contained area
- container
- container closure
- container closure system
- container, flexible immediate bulk
- container, gas
- containment
- contaminants
- contamination
- content object
- content validity
- context of use
- context of use, clinical outcome assessment
- continual improvement
- continued process verification
- continuous cell line
- continuous process verification
- contract
- contract facility
- contract manufacturer
- contract research organistation
- contributor
- control group
- control measure
- control number
- control strategy
- control substance
- control treshold
- controlled area
- controlled clinical trial
- controlled correspondance
- controlled document number
- controlled medicines
- controlled study
- controlled term
- controlled term description
- controlled term domain
- controlled term identifier
- controlled term list
- controlled term name
- controlled term revision number
- controlled term short name
- controlled term source
- controlled term status
- controlled vocabulary
- controlled vocabulary term identifier
- convention against the illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
- convention on psychotropic substances
- conventional release
- conversion factor between units
- coordinating committee
- coordinating investigator
- coordination group for mutual recognition and decentralised procedures human
- coordination group for mutual recognition and decentralised procedures veterinary
- copolymer
- cornea
- correction to the published annexes
- corrective action
- corrective action and preventive action
- correlation
- corrigendum
- cost insurance freight
- council of europe
- counterfeit medicine
- country
- country grouping
- course-of-therapy prepackaging
- covariate prognostic
- CP
- CpK
- cream
- crisis
- critical
- critical area
- critical control point
- critical design review
- critical labelling
- critical limit
- critical operation
- critical process
- critical process parameters
- critical process steps
- critical processing
- critical quality attribute
- critical surfaces
- critical variable study
- criticality
- cross-contamination
- cross validation
- crossover design
- crossover trial
- crude plant
- cryogenic gas
- cryogenic vessel
- crystal
- CT
- CTD section
- culture
- culture confluency
- culture growth
- cumulative enrollment
- cumulative intake
- cup
- cup, unit-dose
- current enrollment
- current good manufacturing practices
- customer
- cutaneous
- cutaneous dose form
- cylinder
- cylinder bundle
- cytogenetic evaluation
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