- MA
- macerates
- macro
- magistral formula
- maintenance and support services organisation
- major and minor amendments
- major statement
- male
- male-neutered
- male and female
- manifold, gas container
- manufacture
- manufactured dose form
- manufactured item
- manufacturer
- manufacturer's selling price
- manufacturer name
- manufacturing
- manufacturing authorization
- manufacturing authorization date
- manufacturing authorization holder
- manufacturing batch record
- manufacturing chain
- manufacturing material
- manufacturing process
- manufacturing scale production
- manufacturing site
- manufacturing step
- mapping
- mark-up
- market authorization holder
- market exclusivity
- market protection
- marketing authorisation number
- marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances
- Marketing authorisation variation
- marketing authorization
- marketing authorization application
- marketing authorization date
- marketing authorization expiry date
- marketing authorization holder
- marketing authorization procedure
- marketing pack
- marketing start date
- marketing stop date
- marketing support trials
- masked medication
- masking
- mass balance
- master cell bank
- master data
- master formula
- master production documents
- master record
- master seed lot
- matched-pair design
- material
- material flow
- material measure
- material of animal or human origin
- maternal mortality rate
- matrixing
- maximum residue limit
- maximum retail mark-up
- maximum theoretical residual impurity
- me-too medicine
- mean
- mean kinetic temperature
- mean photo effect
- measurement
- measurement point
- measurement procedure
- MedDRA
- media fills
- median
- median price ratio
- medical device
- medical dictionary for regulatory activities terminology
- medical doctor
- medical products agency
- medication error
- medication guide
- medication reconciliation
- medication shortages
- medicinal gas
- medicinal plant
- medicinal prescription
- medicinal product
- medicinal product identifier
- medicinal product name
- medicinal product package identifier
- medicinal product strength
- medicinal speciality product name
- medicine speciality product name
- Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
- medicines coverage
- medicines evaluation board
- medicines regulatory authority
- MedIDs
- medwatch
- mega-trials
- megabit
- megabyte
- member state
- member state competent authority
- mental health and substance abuse hospital
- meta-analysis
- metabolism
- metabolite
- metadata
- metadata granularity
- metazoan
- metered aerosol
- metered powder
- metered spray
- method
- method authorization from
- methods validation
- MFL EV code
- microheterogeneity
- micronucleus
- minimum criteria for reporting
- minimum exposure time
- minimum pressure retention value
- minor use, minor species
- missing data
- missing information
- misuse of a medicinal product
- misuse of a medicinal product for illegal purposes
- mitotic index
- mixing
- mixture substance
- mobile cryogenic vessel
- mock-up
- mock-up vaccine
- model product
- modeling and simulation
- modified leaf, ectd
- modified release
- modifying factor
- moiety
- molar absortivity
- molar extinction coefficient
- molecular fragment
- molecular structure
- molecular weight
- monitoring
- monitoring committee
- monitoring plan
- monitoring report
- monitoring visit
- mortality rate
- mother liquor
- MRA countries
- mra country
- MS
- multi-channel system
- multi-source medicine
- multi-state procedure
- multi-substance material
- multiaxiality
- multicenter study
- multicentre trial
- multilayer tablet
- mutagenic impurity
- mutual recognition agreement
- mutual recognition procedure
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