- BA
- back translation
- background material
- backlog
- backwards compatability
- bag
- BAID_1
- BAID_2
- balanced study
- balanced trial
- bar, chewable
- barcode
- barcode, one-dimensional
- barcode, two-dimensional
- barrier
- base quantity
- base substitution
- base unit
- baseline assessment
- baseline characteristics
- baseline imbalance
- basic dose form
- basic unit
- batch
- batch certificate
- batch number
- batch processing
- batch records
- bathing
- baud
- bayesian approaches
- bayesian statistics
- BE
- BE-Ref-Product
- bead
- benchmark
- bespoke
- beta error
- BfArM
- BI
- bias
- bias, clinical trial
- binary
- binomial distribution
- bio hazard
- bioanalytical assays
- bioassay
- bioavailability
- bioavailable residues
- bioburden
- bioengineering
- bioequivalence
- biofilm
- biogenerator
- biologic active pharmaceutical ingredient
- biologic product
- biological
- biological absorption
- biological activity
- biological agents
- biological drug
- biological indicator
- biological marker
- biological matrix
- biological medicinal product
- biological starting material
- biologicals working party
- biologics license application
- biomarker
- biomarker qualification
- biomass
- biometric signature
- biometrics
- biopharmaceutical classification system
- biopharmaceutical review
- bioresearch monitoring
- biosimilar
- biosimilar medicinal product
- biosimilar medicinal products working party
- biosimilar medicine
- biostatistics
- biotechnology
- bit
- black-box testing
- blank
- blank batch record
- blank sample
- blind review
- blinded medication
- blinding
- blister pack
- block
- blood
- blood components
- blood establishment
- blood product
- blood products working party
- blue ribbons panel
- BMDL10
- bolar exception
- bolar provision
- bookmark
- boolean
- boot
- borderline products
- bottle
- bottle, dispensing
- bottle, dropper
- bottle, glass
- bottle, plastic
- bottle, pump
- bottle, spray
- bottle, unit dose
- bottle, with applicator
- bound residue
- boundary value
- box
- box, unit-dose
- boxed warning
- BP
- bracketing
- branch
- brand name
- branded generics
- breath activated powder inhaler
- bridging data package
- bridging study
- brief summary
- british approved names
- british pharmacopoeia
- british pharmacopoeia commission
- broader term
- browser
- buffer
- bug
- bulgarian drug agency
- bulk pharmaceuticals
- bulk process intermediate
- bulk product
- bulk production batch
- bundling
- burden of disease
- burning
- business actor
- business entity
- business object model
- business owner
- business use case
- business use case realisation
- business worker
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