- D value
- daily dose
- danish medicines authority
- data
- data acquisition
- data and safety monitoring board
- data clarification
- data clarification form
- data council
- data definition file
- data dictionary
- data element
- data entry
- data exchange standards
- data exclusivity
- data integrity
- data interchange
- data item
- data listing
- data lock point, dsur
- data lock point, psur
- data management
- data model
- data monitoring committee
- data quality
- data selection criteria
- data set
- data structure
- data tabulations
- data type
- data validation
- database
- database lock
- datatype
- Date-Exp-Ref-Product
- date of actual marketing of a medicinal product
- date of fabrication
- date of marketing cessation of a medicinal product
- de-listing
- dear doctor letter
- debugging
- deceaded non-heart beating donor
- deceased donor
- deceased heart beating donor
- decentralised procedure
- decision
- declaration of helsinki
- declaration of interests
- decoctions
- decomposition product
- decontamination
- decryption
- dedicated
- dedicated equipment
- deductible
- default
- default value
- deferral, paedicatric
- defined daily dose
- degradant
- degradation product
- degradation product, impurity
- degradation profile
- degree of polymerization
- delayed-release granule
- delayed-release particles tablet
- delayed-release pellets capsule
- delayed-release tablet
- delayed release
- delaying amendments
- delivery chain
- delivery system
- demographic data
- Dénominations Communes Françaises
- dental
- dental liner
- dentifrice gel
- dentifrice paste
- dentifrice powder
- depyrogenation
- derived quantity
- derived unit
- design
- design configuration
- design history file
- design input
- design of experiments
- design output
- design qualification
- design review
- design space
- design validation
- designation
- desired product
- detection limit
- detoxification
- deutschen institut für medizinische dokumentation und information
- development international birth date
- development medicinal product
- development safety update report
- development standards
- development studies, drug product
- development substance
- deviation
- device history record
- device listing number
- device master record
- device model number
- dewar
- diagnosis
- diagnostic interventional clinical trial
- dialpack
- dialysis
- diaphragm
- diastereoisomers
- dictionary
- digital certificate
- diluent
- dilute drug premix
- dilution
- dimension of a quantity
- dimensionless quantity
- diopter
- diploid cell line
- direct access
- direct healthcare professional communications
- direct to consumer advertisements
- direct to consumer advertising
- directory
- disability-free life expectancy
- disc
- discontinuation
- discrepancy
- disease
- disinfectant
- disinfection
- disintegration
- dispatch date
- dispense
- dispenser
- dispensing fee
- dispersible tablet
- dispersion
- dissolution
- distribution
- distribution authorization
- distribution margin
- distribution mark-up
- distribution, statistical
- distributor
- diverse origin
- dna-reactive
- dna adduct
- dna repair
- dna strand break assay
- dna strand break test
- dna strand breaks
- do not freeze
- do not refrigerate
- do not refrigerate or freeze
- do not store above 25°C
- do not store above 30°C
- document
- document control
- document granularity
- document management system
- document root
- document submission
- document taxonomy
- document type definition
- documentation
- documentation, clinical trial
- doha declaration on trips and public health
- domain
- donor
- donor animal
- dosage
- dosage form
- dosage regimen
- dosage strength
- dose
- dose dispensing
- dose form
- dose pack
- dose regimen
- dose response
- dosing
- dossier
- dot per inch
- double-blind masking
- double-blind research design
- double-blind study
- double-dummy
- double dummy
- douche
- dressing
- drop-down menu
- dropout
- drops
- drug
- drug and therapeutics committee
- drug delivery
- drug development process
- drug development tool
- drug establishement licence
- drug identification number
- drug indication
- drug information association
- drug information system of the national competent authorities in germany
- drug interaction
- drug master file
- drug medicinal product
- drug patch
- drug premix
- drug product
- drug product name
- drug recall
- drug substance
- drug use evalution
- drug utilization review
- drug withdrawal
- drum
- dry eye syndrom
- duplicate
- durable power of attorney
- duty import tariff
- dynamic
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